More than likely, you will have multiple social accounts that you are managing for your firm. If you do not have someone managing your social account, it you can become easy to neglect giving each of your social accounts appropriate attention. A way to ensure that each of your firm’s social accounts is utilized is to maintain a social calendar. This is a great way to organize and plan out your social content for each week. It will help you organize and schedule out messaging for each platform. 64% of marketers have reported using social media for 6 hours or more.
In your social calendar, list each platform, the message, image and call-to-action (CTA) link. This will help y
ou ensure that the valuable content that your firm is producing — such as blogs, videos, podcasts, white papers, etc. — is being shared on each platform and is reaching as many potential clients as possible.
Do you seem to be lacking engagement with your posts? One way to easily increase engagement is by using images and other engaging elements in your posts. Twitter found that tweets that included photos had a 35% boost in retweets.
Do not underestimate the power of video. Does your firm produce video content such as webinars? Facebook found that 50% of Facebook users watch one video every day on Facebook. Sharing “how to” videos, customer testimonials, webinars, etc., on your social platforms is a great way to increase engagement.
Audio content, such as a podcast, can also increase engagement. Podcasts contribute to increasing your brand identity. Also, creating a podcast is a relatively simple way to repurpose existing content. For example, any blog content that your firm produces can be transformed into a podcast. A survey showed that 86% of potential buyers desire interactive/visual content.
If you have a Twitter account, utilize it to engage potential and current clients. Remember, Twitter is an ideal outlet to communicate with potential clients and for communicating with current clients in regard to their experience. 72% of marketers use social media to develop relationships and gain marketplace intelligence. One way to nurture your client relationships on Twitter is to use hashtags in your tweets. Use hashtags to target the wants and needs of your current and potential clients. Tweets that include hashtags see a 16% boost in engagement.
Use hashtags like keywords; they are what your ideal audience will be searching for. What topics are you trying to target? Are you a personal injury lawyer trying to draw potential clients? #PersonalInjury #AccidentLawyer are example of hashtags that potential leads may be searching for on Twitter. Hashtags are also great for increasing brand identity. Utilizing brand specific hashtags builds your brand’s social personality and presence, and can help distinguish you from your competitors.