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We have worked with Data Breach Justice to successfully develop a highly targeted advertising campaign and automated intake system that allowed them to quickly find candidates for a complex class action suit.
Nick Campbell, Director of Client Relations

Take charge of your own class action law firm marketing

Connect with plaintiffs who deserve representation.

A reputable brand and an agile inbound-marketing campaign are essential for partnering with clients for class actions. Move beyond hunting for the best leads—implement a strategy that lets the right cases find you.

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We have worked with Data Breach Justice to successfully develop a highly targeted advertising campaign and automated intake system that allowed them to quickly find candidates for a complex class action suit.
Nick Campbell, Director of Client Relations
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Take charge of your own class action law firm marketing

Consumers and businesses with a viable class action case need not just advocacy but initial help getting in the room with you. Referral firms and lead generators are a quick ready-made solution, but outsourcing puts you in a passive role and exposes you to ballooning long term costs. ONE400 can put you in control of generating business with an integrated marketing campaign that you’ll own from Day One. A successful track record is an invaluable asset you can leverage with a compelling online presence, comprehensive PR, focused SEO, and attractive branding. Together these elements provide “prior proof”, inspiring confidence in potential clients at the first point of contact.


Services to increase your acquisitions

Because we keep our award-winning team under one roof, ONE400 can design a comprehensive campaign to raise your company profile and attract the right customers. Our services are keyed exclusively to the legal industry and incorporate expertise in business strategy, design, software engineering, and marketing. Additionally, we’ve adapted our work to each specific sector of professional law and customize it for every client’s needs. In a field where agility can be decisive for owning a new case theory, class action firms benefit from the speed with which we can launch your initial marketing campaign.

Strategy + Consulting
Brand + Experience Design
Digital Marketing
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Counsel for Creators

Empowering Creative Business

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More than designers, developers, and marketers - we're strategists for the evolution of the legal landscape

Resources for Class Action Firms

An image depicting people carrying and pushing trolleys, drawn to a magnet

You’ve Got Leads! Now What?

05.30.17 | Article in Featured , Marketing

Critical Steps for Converting Law Firm Leads to Clients It takes time, money, or both to …

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How can we help you?

We offer a full suite of services to grow your law firm or legal tech company in every dimension—strategy, brand & design, tech management, and digital marketing.

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