Your website is extremely important. For many potential clients, it is the first impression they will get of you and your law firm. As such, it is important that it is well-designed, has a professional feel and gives your clients the necessary information about you. Here are a few things that make for a good attorney website.
When creating law firm websites, you will want to make sure to include a few things. The most important piece of information you want on your website is the type of service or services you offer. Many law firms offer more than one type of service. It is important to convey which type of law you practice.
When clients seek an attorney, they usually turn to the internet to do their research. Make sure you include the experience, education, pictures and any other useful information that may help you to build clientele through your website. When consumers are in need of an attorney they want to know who you are. Let them know that so they can make a decision as to whether you may be the right attorney for them.
People want to know how you can help them and why they should choose you over another firm. Your website can be a great tool for law firm marketing, allowing you to gain exposure for your firm and allow clients to see reviews and testimonies. This may also allow them the opportunity to connect with a past client and gain feedback from them. Post examples of past cases that you’ve worked on, especially if they were in the news, and what the judgment outcome was. This allows them to understand how you can help them gain a favorable judgement.
Placing a weekly or monthly blog on your website is beneficial because this helps people see what your law firm has been up to and keeps the user engaged. This boosts the popularity of your website which is also very beneficial for you search engine rankings.
Believe it or not, but one of the most common mistakes on an attorney website is failing to include contact information on the website. You have just marketed to a potential client and conveyed the positive aspects of your firm, but you have failed to include contact information. Clearly, this is a significant mistake as they have no way to get in touch with you and set up a consultation. A contact form will create a solid lead funnel for your firm. Make sure this information is prominently displayed in several places on your law firm website so that clients can easily find it and get in touch with you.
Your website is one of the most important tools when it comes to law firm marketing. Now, more than ever, people are searching for attorneys on the internet to handle their cases. Make sure your website lists what services you offer, gives detailed information about your attorneys, lets clients know how you can help them, has a blog and clearly displays contact information. These essentials will make for a strong law firm website.